■ Texture2D to OpenCVSharp Mat
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Mat Texture2DtoMat(Texture2D texture2d){ int txWidth= texture2d.width; int txHeight = texture2d.height; Vec3d[] matData = new Vec3d[txWidth * txWidth]; Color32[] pixels = texture2d.GetPixels32(); Parallel.For(0, txHeight, i =>{ for(int j=0; j < txWidth; j++){ Color32 col = pixels[j + i * txWidth]; Vec3d vec3 = new Vec3d{ Item0 = col.b, Item1 = col.g, Item2 = col.r }; matData[j + i*txWidth] = vec3; } } ); Mat mat0 = new Mat(txWidth, txHeight, MatType.CV_64FC3, matData); mat0 = mat0.Flip(FlipMode.X); return mat0; } |
When you want to use cvtColor() or something method, you should convert CV_64F to 8UC or other suitable Mattype.
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mat.ConvertTo(mat, MatType.CV_8UC3); |
This method doesn’t convert some images as shown in this image.
Probably, the MatType property or GetPixel Method is not appropriate in this code.
■ OpenCVSharp Mat to Texture2D
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Mat openCVMat = Cv2.ImRead("hogehoge"); texture2d.LoadImage(openCVMat.ImEncode()); |